Shareholding Structure

We recognize that good corporate governance is fundamental to earning and retaining the confidence and trust of our stakeholders


Access Bank recognises that good corporate governance is fundamental to earning and retaining the confidence and trust of its stakeholders. It provides the structure through which the objectives of the Bank are set and the means of attaining those objectives.

The Access Bank Group governance framework helps the Board to discharge its role of providing oversight and strategic counsel in balance with its responsibility to ensure conformity with regulatory requirements and acceptable risk.

Compliance with all applicable legislation, regulations, standards and codes is an essential characteristic of the Bank’s culture. The Board monitors compliance with these by means of management reports, which include information on any significant interaction with key stakeholders.

Governance Structure

Shareholder’s Meeting
Shareholders meetings are duly convened and held in line with the Bank’s Regulations and existing statutory and regulatory regimes in an open manner, for the purpose of deliberation on issues affecting the Bank’s strategic direction. This occurs through a fair and transparent process and also serves as a medium for fostering interaction between the Board, Management and Shareholders. Attendance at the Annual General Meeting is open to all shareholders or their proxies. The Board ensures that shareholders are provided with the requisite notice of the Meeting. 













Standing Committees

The Board carries out its oversight function through its standing committees each of which has a charter that clearly defines its purpose, composition, structure, frequency of meetings, duties, tenure and reporting lines to the Board. In line with best practice, the Chairman of the Board does not sit on any of the committees.

The Board’s four standing committees are: The Board Audit Committee, the Board Risk Management Committee, the Board Governance and Remuneration Committee and the Board Credit & Finance Committee.

  • Board Audit Committee
  • Board Risk Management Committee
  • Board Credit Committee
  • Board Governance, Nomination and Remuneration Committee
  • Board Digital and Information Technology Committee

Succession Planning

The Bank has a Succession Planning Policy which was approved by the Board. Succession Planning is aligned to the Bank’s performance management process. The policy identifies eleven (11) key positions including Country Managing Director positions for all Access Bank operating entities in respect of which there will be formal succession planning, the Bank’s policy provides that potential candidates for the other positions shall be identified at the beginning of each financial year by the Human Resources Head, based on performance and competencies.

Code of Ethics
Access Bank has articulated a “Code of Conduct” which specifies expected behaviour of its staff. The Code requires that each Bank staff shall read the Code of Conduct document and sign a confirmation that they have read and understood the document upon employment. In addition, there is a re-affirmation process that requires each member of staff to confirm understanding of and compliance with the Code of Conduct at least once in each year. The Bank has a Compliance Manual, which provides guidelines for addressing violations/breaches and ensuring enforcement of discipline with respect to staff conduct. The Bank also has a Disciplinary Guide which provides sample offences/violations and prescribes disciplinary measures to be adopted in various cases. The Head of Human Resources is responsible for the design and implementation of the “Code of Conduct” while the Chief Compliance Officer is responsible for monitoring and ensuring compliance.

Whistle Blowing
Access Bank has a Whistle Blowing policy which provides the procedure for reporting suspected breaches of Access Bank’s internal policies, laws and regulations. There is a special e-mail address and telephone hotline dedicated for whistle-blowing. The Bank’s Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) is responsible for monitoring and reporting on Whistle Blowing.


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